Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 122 - July 7, 2010

3 easy miles - felt hot and slow

We completed our play list tonight. Last year, for the Missoula Marathon, I decided it would be fun to sync our play lists, so even though we wouldn't be running together, we'd be listening to the same thing at the same time. So cute, I know! We were (obviously, I suppose) celebrating our ninth anniversary at the Missoula Marathon last year, so I wanted to feel like we were running together, even though Pete would be at least a few minutes ahead of me. We did the same thing in Las Vegas in December. For those two lists, we alternated picks. This time, it was just too much of a hassle. We just put a bunch of songs in the list, and then put them in random order. The other two felt like a science, starting slow and building to our favorite songs. We tried to time the list to end just when we expected to finish, although I ran out of music in Missoula with a mile to go! I can blame that on trying to concentrate to hard on making the list after way too many glasses of wine.

This new one resembles something I'd more likely be laughing or dancing to than running, but oh well. A good laugh on the route might be just what we need at mile 24.

I was going to post the list here, but if I spend a bunch of time looking at the list and re-writing everything here, it will ruin the surprise of what is coming next during the marathon. I'd prefer the anticipation of wondering what the next song will be during the race, so I don't plan to look at the list again.

Also, for the other two half marathons, we listened to music the entire race. Since we plan on running this one together from start to finish, we only plan to turn on the music at the half way point. Hopefully it will be enough to carry us to the finish with smiles on our faces!

One more official run before race day, although I plan to run the final 1.2 miles with Sylvia for her marathon on Saturday!

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