Thursday, April 22, 2010

Born to Run Like a Mother

So, I've been doing a lot of running reading lately. I do enjoy running books. I've read of few of them in the last three years.
Last week I read Born to Run. I'm not going to go in to a book review, summary, or even say much about it. I found it fascinating on every level, and I recommend it to everyone who runs at all. It did not inspire me to plan an ultra. I still have no desire to tackle that task. It did inspire me to rethink footwear and diet, and hopefully I will be doing some barefoot running here in the future, along with changing my diet (a little, at least...I hope). If I do, I will be sure to comment on it here. For now, I've made time to run with the kids in our yard in bare feet, and that was thrilling enough (along with ditching my running shoes and wearing flip flops while not running - ah, I lived in those clunky shoes for two years). Beyond that kind of inspiration, I loved the people in the book, and the message, and the theory that humans really evolved as THE distance runners on this planet. As runners, I think we all want to believe that we really were Born to Run (even when our damn IT Band trys to tell us something else).
Now, I am reading Run Like a Mother. I am enjoying it as well. Here is a nice quote, and a reminder as to why I decided to run this marathon with Pete. "Running is conducive to frank, sometimes soul-baring conversations in the same way road trips are: When you keep your eyes on the road, you can speak from your heart." Well said, Dimity.

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