Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 32 - April 8, 2010

3 easy miles (plus strength training)

Once again, not the best run. I must be the exception to the "running will get your mind off your problems" rule. I often hear about people who are worried about something, they go out for a run, and feel better. Me, if I feel worried about something and go out for a run, I often end up going a few miles and then walking home. This morning I was a little distracted, mainly because my little Miss Sylvia was upset about things at school, and annoyed by plugged up ears. Not to mention a bunch of other things, which all added up at my having a hard time focusing on the run. Sometimes running just doesn't seem as important as fixing whatever is bothering my family or me.

The great irony is, the solution came to me while I was running! My idea to head over to Emily Dickinson for lunch with Sylvia to see how she was doing, was just too perfect. I go to the school to read with her and her classmates, and for special events, but I had never had lunch with her, or played on the playground with her and her friends. It was so much fun, and it put my mind to ease. She was feeling better and having a great day, just as I had hoped. You just never know what really happens after they give you the kiss good-bye and head into the school for the day. It was great to see her interact with her sweeter than sweet best friends, Aaron and Ruby. Today, pushing the kids on the swings and playing "A Night at the Museum", cured my worries, much more so than the run, although I still have to give the run credit for coming up with the solution:) In a few years, or maybe even next year, Sylvia won't be as excited to have us visit her for lunch. Now, as much as she has already started to shut us out of her "social life" she still wants us to be a part of it. I know that won't be the case much longer. Sometimes, as I'm sure all running moms do, I feel guilty for that time I spend by myself out there, but usually I do believe it makes me a more present and happy Mom when I get home. Like everything else in life, I suppose it is all about balance.

1 comment:

  1. You are a great Mom! You inspire me to get out there. I may not be running, but I do try to take more time to myself to exercise which I am really bad at. Keep on going!
