18 miles 3 hours 19 minutes
This run could have been a disaster! I started out still nervous about my ankle, especially after just doing an 11 miler two days ago. I also got a tiny bit drunk yesterday afternoon with my Mom on our little outing to Sex and the City, and then came home and gorged on leftover pizza. Not the best pre-long run recipe. So, I did not anticipate surviving this one without being in complete agony, but it actually went surprisingly well. I was able to keep my (slow) pace steady and even, the entire way. When I was training for my first marathon in 2007, the 18 miler was the first time in my life I'd ever hit "the wall". I'd had to call Pete to pick me up, where he found me in an actual heap at a park only about a mile away from our house, unable to make it home. This time, I felt (hoped) the wall was still 8 miles away! Also, during my other two marathon training rounds in 2007/2008 I always felt horrible the last couple miles of the long runs, doing a lot of staggering, stopping, and very slow jogging. I think the slower pace is helping, and maybe the Powerbar bites?
I am not an early morning runner, and to walk in the door at 10 am (on a Monday morning, no less) with my 18 miler done for the week felt phenomenal. I spent the first nine mile loop on our regular course, listening to This American Life and Phedippedations. When I got home for a quick clothing change and Powerade pickup, the kids and Pete were just waking up and eating breakfast. The smell of pancakes after 9.5 miles....um, I pretty glad I made it back out the door, although I know Pete would not have let me quit.
I spend a lot of my time out there either cursing or thanking Pete for getting me into this mess. Today there was definitely a lot more thanking! I really am enjoying having the "big goal", although we decided we wouldn't be doing another marathon (at least until our twentieth anniversary!)
So, there is only one run longer than today's run, before the marathon. That is a thought both exhilarating - and terrifying!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Day 83 - May 29, 2010
11 miles (just under 2 hours)
I feel bad about missing the Frank Newman Marathon this morning, but we decided to skip it at the last minute for a bunch of reasons. The weather was bad (or supposed to be bad) and shuttling and standing out in the cold waiting for the race to start, did not sound like fun. Also, the best thing about this marathon (to us anyway) is that it finished at the park in Livingston, a great place to meet the kids for playtime. With snow, playtime at the park was not going to be an option. We also have an 18 miler looming in the early part of next week. I think we made the right decision to sleep in and do an easy 2 hour run. My ankle is feeling great, but Pete now has some sore spots. It was nice to run together, and the weather even cooperated for most of the run.
I feel bad about missing the Frank Newman Marathon this morning, but we decided to skip it at the last minute for a bunch of reasons. The weather was bad (or supposed to be bad) and shuttling and standing out in the cold waiting for the race to start, did not sound like fun. Also, the best thing about this marathon (to us anyway) is that it finished at the park in Livingston, a great place to meet the kids for playtime. With snow, playtime at the park was not going to be an option. We also have an 18 miler looming in the early part of next week. I think we made the right decision to sleep in and do an easy 2 hour run. My ankle is feeling great, but Pete now has some sore spots. It was nice to run together, and the weather even cooperated for most of the run.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Day 81 - May 27, 2010
5 easy miles
Another pain free run (and not much wind either)!! I am now anxious and ready for the Frank Newman Half Marathon this weekend. It is a special race for me. It was my first half marathon, in 2007, and the only half I've ever run in under 2 hours. It is a downhill course, and that time is unofficial. Pete and I ran the race as two person marathon relay team. The second half is actually closer to 14 miles (which we will be running together on Saturday). I used my GPS watch to clock 13.1 miles at 1:55. In any case, our full marathon relay time was somewhere just over 4 hours (even though Pete got the short half, he had all of the uphill), and we won a trophy! Okay, there was only one other team in our division, but it sure it nice to win a trophy in your first half marathon!
Another pain free run (and not much wind either)!! I am now anxious and ready for the Frank Newman Half Marathon this weekend. It is a special race for me. It was my first half marathon, in 2007, and the only half I've ever run in under 2 hours. It is a downhill course, and that time is unofficial. Pete and I ran the race as two person marathon relay team. The second half is actually closer to 14 miles (which we will be running together on Saturday). I used my GPS watch to clock 13.1 miles at 1:55. In any case, our full marathon relay time was somewhere just over 4 hours (even though Pete got the short half, he had all of the uphill), and we won a trophy! Okay, there was only one other team in our division, but it sure it nice to win a trophy in your first half marathon!
Day 80 - May 26, 2010
5 easy miles
Wow, pain free miles rarely feel this good, especially when your head is nearly blown off by the wind!!!
Wow, pain free miles rarely feel this good, especially when your head is nearly blown off by the wind!!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The ankle is feeling so near 100%, I've decided to give it another day or two. I think a little extra rest, at this point, is going to help me much more than it could hurt me. Now, I am prolonging my own suspense as to how it will feel when I run on it. I am doing my best to resist the temptation to run up to get the mail...just to test it out...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
I should probably know better than to scour the Internet for a diagnosis. I found one very concerning article, linking ITB problems with tibialis-posterior-tendinitis. On a positive note, my ankle is feeling better, and I am going to give it a test run tomorrow. On a not so positive note...the prognosis does not look so great, especially since I am already wearing the correct shoes and an orthotic, the two easiest fixes. Also recommended...lots of rest (not the best option for me right now), ice (doing that), ibuprofen (currently loading up on that), and a bunch of complicated strength moves, that really don't make a lot of sense to me on paper.
At this point, I'm just going to hope for the best...right? Updates on run tomorrow.
At this point, I'm just going to hope for the best...right? Updates on run tomorrow.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I am trying not to panic. The ankle is still quite sore today. I obviously skipped my scheduled two miler. In the two miler's place, I did some strength training, some stretching, foam roller, kicking in the pool, and thirty minutes on the elliptical. It was really an experiment to see what hurts and what helps. I'm thinking I'll ban myself to pool running, if anything, at least until Sunday. I felt okay on the elliptical trainer, but when I got off, it was very stiff. I don't want to do anything at all to aggravate it until I test it out in a few days. A sore spot (still refusing to call it an injury) at this point in marathon training is really terrifying. I'm at a critical point as far as mileage. I still need to get in the miles so I am able to complete the race, but I also need to baby it enough so it recovers and I am able to make it to the start line. I am trying to ease my mind my reminding myself, I've had many sore spots like this over the last three years, and with the exception of my IT Band, I was able to work them out in just a week or two. Patience. Patience. Patience.
I am trying not to panic. The ankle is still quite sore today. I obviously skipped my scheduled two miler. In the two miler's place, I did some strength training, some stretching, foam roller, kicking in the pool, and thirty minutes on the elliptical. It was really an experiment to see what hurts and what helps. I'm thinking I'll ban myself to pool running, if anything, at least until Sunday. I felt okay on the elliptical trainer, but when I got off, it was very stiff. I don't want to do anything at all to aggravate it until I test it out in a few days. A sore spot (still refusing to call it an injury) at this point in marathon training is really terrifying. I'm at a critical point as far as mileage. I still need to get in the miles so I am able to complete the race, but I also need to baby it enough so it recovers and I am able to make it to the start line. I am trying to ease my mind my reminding myself, I've had many sore spots like this over the last three years, and with the exception of my IT Band, I was able to work them out in just a week or two. Patience. Patience. Patience.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Day 73 - May 19, 2010
16 miles 3 hours 40 seconds
Pete and I were both able to complete our 16 mile runs. It was the first really long run we had to do separately. It is a lot harder being out there by yourself, but at least we took turns being exhausted all afternoon, him yesterday, and me, today. It is not easy to give the kids a ton of extra energy and enthusiasm when you are both burnt out from a long run.
The weather was perfect today. It was not too hot, and there was a nice cool breeze. Pete mapped out a great eight mile loop that included a lot of "trails" (just flat gravel paths through parks). My knee felt great, and Pete did not complain of any major pain after his run either. I listened to two great episodes of This American Life. Both thoroughly entertained me, and one had me laughing out loud numerous times. I also checked out the new Band of Horses album, and liked it quite a bit. (Wow, three uninterrupted hours gives you a lot of listening time!) I did not hit the wall, and honestly, I did not feel too tired at the end of the run, but (yes, a big but coming) I developed a new pain! And, yes, I am calling it a "pain" not an injury.
This morning, even before leaving the house, my ankle was bothering me. It was sore yesterday too. I don't know if it was from the tough run on Monday, or the biking yesterday, but most likely it is a combination of both. In any case, I headed out, hoping for a sore muscle (and not tendinitis, or something worse)...The soreness continued through the entire run, but never got too bad until the last couple of miles. I finished the 16 miles, because it never got intolerable. I spent the last couple of miles just fantasizing about how lovely and ice bath was going to feel. I was happy to get home to an empty house (Pete and Owen got to spend a great afternoon together, ah, we are all so lucky to have Daddy around so much) where I gave my ankle a ton of extra attention, from an ice bath, to Aleve, to some very tight socks. It feels much better now (although it bothered me again this evening when I walked to the school with Sylvia and Owen for soccer practice). I'm planning a few rest extra rest days, and luckily we have a pretty easy week planned next week.
Don't worry training partner...I won't let you down...although I may slow you down....
Pete and I were both able to complete our 16 mile runs. It was the first really long run we had to do separately. It is a lot harder being out there by yourself, but at least we took turns being exhausted all afternoon, him yesterday, and me, today. It is not easy to give the kids a ton of extra energy and enthusiasm when you are both burnt out from a long run.
The weather was perfect today. It was not too hot, and there was a nice cool breeze. Pete mapped out a great eight mile loop that included a lot of "trails" (just flat gravel paths through parks). My knee felt great, and Pete did not complain of any major pain after his run either. I listened to two great episodes of This American Life. Both thoroughly entertained me, and one had me laughing out loud numerous times. I also checked out the new Band of Horses album, and liked it quite a bit. (Wow, three uninterrupted hours gives you a lot of listening time!) I did not hit the wall, and honestly, I did not feel too tired at the end of the run, but (yes, a big but coming) I developed a new pain! And, yes, I am calling it a "pain" not an injury.
This morning, even before leaving the house, my ankle was bothering me. It was sore yesterday too. I don't know if it was from the tough run on Monday, or the biking yesterday, but most likely it is a combination of both. In any case, I headed out, hoping for a sore muscle (and not tendinitis, or something worse)...The soreness continued through the entire run, but never got too bad until the last couple of miles. I finished the 16 miles, because it never got intolerable. I spent the last couple of miles just fantasizing about how lovely and ice bath was going to feel. I was happy to get home to an empty house (Pete and Owen got to spend a great afternoon together, ah, we are all so lucky to have Daddy around so much) where I gave my ankle a ton of extra attention, from an ice bath, to Aleve, to some very tight socks. It feels much better now (although it bothered me again this evening when I walked to the school with Sylvia and Owen for soccer practice). I'm planning a few rest extra rest days, and luckily we have a pretty easy week planned next week.
Don't worry training partner...I won't let you down...although I may slow you down....
Monday, May 17, 2010
Day 71 - May 17, 2010
8 miles (40 minutes out and 35 minutes back)
Thanks for inspiring me to use my "speed" again, Pete. I haven't done any "fast" running in a long time. I felt great racing myself home. I was not surprised it took me a full five minutes less to get back to the house. The knee is feeling pretty good. I also tried out the skirt for the first time today. I think the skirt encouraged me to run a little faster....full report on the skirt when I have more time.
Thanks for inspiring me to use my "speed" again, Pete. I haven't done any "fast" running in a long time. I felt great racing myself home. I was not surprised it took me a full five minutes less to get back to the house. The knee is feeling pretty good. I also tried out the skirt for the first time today. I think the skirt encouraged me to run a little faster....full report on the skirt when I have more time.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Day 68 - May 14, 2010
10 miles 1:43
I've noticed a new tan line this season, and I am not pleased about it. Right in between my eyebrows, I've got two lovely vertical white lines. I guess it means I am either grimacing a lot more when I run these days, or my wrinkles are a little more defined up there. In any case, it is probably a good time to start practicing smiling while I'm running or putting on my best serene and blissful face. I'm gonna work on that...and remembering my sunscreen.
I've noticed a new tan line this season, and I am not pleased about it. Right in between my eyebrows, I've got two lovely vertical white lines. I guess it means I am either grimacing a lot more when I run these days, or my wrinkles are a little more defined up there. In any case, it is probably a good time to start practicing smiling while I'm running or putting on my best serene and blissful face. I'm gonna work on that...and remembering my sunscreen.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Day 67 - May 13, 2010
4 lovely sunshine filled miles (although I shouldn't have shoveled in that piece of carrot cake just before leaving...major gut ache the first mile...)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Day 66 - May 12, 2010
6 miles 57:30
Happy Birthday, Pete! I thought about a bunch of stuff I wanted to write about today while I was out on my run this morning. Instead of going in to all of that though, all I really want to say is, I am so thankful for my happy healthy family. I'm so thankful that Pete and I are able to train for this marathon together, and that we still enjoy each other's company after all of these years.
Happy Birthday, Pete! I thought about a bunch of stuff I wanted to write about today while I was out on my run this morning. Instead of going in to all of that though, all I really want to say is, I am so thankful for my happy healthy family. I'm so thankful that Pete and I are able to train for this marathon together, and that we still enjoy each other's company after all of these years.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Day 64 - May 10, 2010
7 miles (including 30 minutes of hill intervals)
The Running Skirt....
My new running skirt arrived in the mail today. I must admit, it is not my first one. A few years ago, I noticed them at the Missoula Marathon (2007, I suppose) and thought they were cute. I bought a cheap one to try it. I wore it a few times, and although I found it comfortable while running outdoors, I did not like running in it on the treadmill, and I especially did not like stretching out or lifting weights in it afterwards. After one or two uncomfortable weight lifting experiences, I shelved the skirt.
Honestly, I didn't think too much about it. Only afterwards, did I find out the running skirt was such a hot topic. Bring it up with any runner, and they will likely have an opinion, and a strong one. I tried to explain to Pete the other day, on our long run, that it is a topic as controversial as other popular running debate topics, like, taking walk breaks, barefoot running, or Dean Karnazes.
I must give you the background on my history with shorts, before I explain why I decided to buy it. With the exception of running shorts, I very, very, rarely wear shorts. Obviously, if you know me, I am not one to dress up, but I do usually wear skirts in the summer. I'm not talking fancy, I'm talking about cheap cotton knee length skirts with a t-shirt. I guess it goes back to when Pete and I went to Italy in 2002. I was very heavy. For those of you who did not know me at that time, I'm not talking about 20 pounds. I was close to 80 pounds overweight. We went in the middle of summer, and it was very hot. It is no secret that I am not a very fashion minded person. I try to blend in, and be comfortable. I like jeans and t-shirts, and at that time, if it was hot, I wore shorts. It only took me about fifteen minutes in Italy, to realize I was the only one, in the entire country, in shorts. Even the other tourists knew better. Let's just say, I did not feel very attractive, running around in my Yankee shorts, showing off chubby white legs, sweat dripping from everywhere. Ever since that trip, shorts have left me with a bad feeling.
Running shorts, on the other hand, are very practical, and who cares if you are attractive or not when you are running? You are supposed to be sweaty, smelly and working hard. The last thing I want to do is turn my favorite sport into a pageant. I've never showed up at a gym with makeup and perfume, even back when I was single. I actually went to a women's only gym when I was single (okay, so I might have fancied up a bit at that time, had men been in attendance), because when I am working out, that is usually what I am trying to escape. I don't want to worry about looking attractive; I want to get strong. That is one thing I really like about running. You can measure your success on how much faster you run, or how much further you made it, instead of how many pounds you lose. For me, a woman who has struggled with her weight her whole life, that is so empowering. It feels great to take time to use my body, instead wasting time worrying about what other people think when they see it.
So, if running shorts work for me, why would I bother with the skirt? Maybe I still can't get over the Italy incident, but really I just want to look cute for my husband on our anniversary. It is that simple. I understand I am going to be smelly, grimacing, and probably cursing as well, but, I must admit, when I tried on my new skirt tonight, I felt sort of feminine and cute. I thought, why not?
Well, I can come up with one really good reason why not...I'll definitely be doing some trial runs with it, but if I find it comfortable, I am going to go for it in July! Heartfelt apologies to Melinda, and all running skirt haters:)
I'll be sure to give the details after the first trial run!
The Running Skirt....
My new running skirt arrived in the mail today. I must admit, it is not my first one. A few years ago, I noticed them at the Missoula Marathon (2007, I suppose) and thought they were cute. I bought a cheap one to try it. I wore it a few times, and although I found it comfortable while running outdoors, I did not like running in it on the treadmill, and I especially did not like stretching out or lifting weights in it afterwards. After one or two uncomfortable weight lifting experiences, I shelved the skirt.
Honestly, I didn't think too much about it. Only afterwards, did I find out the running skirt was such a hot topic. Bring it up with any runner, and they will likely have an opinion, and a strong one. I tried to explain to Pete the other day, on our long run, that it is a topic as controversial as other popular running debate topics, like, taking walk breaks, barefoot running, or Dean Karnazes.
I must give you the background on my history with shorts, before I explain why I decided to buy it. With the exception of running shorts, I very, very, rarely wear shorts. Obviously, if you know me, I am not one to dress up, but I do usually wear skirts in the summer. I'm not talking fancy, I'm talking about cheap cotton knee length skirts with a t-shirt. I guess it goes back to when Pete and I went to Italy in 2002. I was very heavy. For those of you who did not know me at that time, I'm not talking about 20 pounds. I was close to 80 pounds overweight. We went in the middle of summer, and it was very hot. It is no secret that I am not a very fashion minded person. I try to blend in, and be comfortable. I like jeans and t-shirts, and at that time, if it was hot, I wore shorts. It only took me about fifteen minutes in Italy, to realize I was the only one, in the entire country, in shorts. Even the other tourists knew better. Let's just say, I did not feel very attractive, running around in my Yankee shorts, showing off chubby white legs, sweat dripping from everywhere. Ever since that trip, shorts have left me with a bad feeling.
Running shorts, on the other hand, are very practical, and who cares if you are attractive or not when you are running? You are supposed to be sweaty, smelly and working hard. The last thing I want to do is turn my favorite sport into a pageant. I've never showed up at a gym with makeup and perfume, even back when I was single. I actually went to a women's only gym when I was single (okay, so I might have fancied up a bit at that time, had men been in attendance), because when I am working out, that is usually what I am trying to escape. I don't want to worry about looking attractive; I want to get strong. That is one thing I really like about running. You can measure your success on how much faster you run, or how much further you made it, instead of how many pounds you lose. For me, a woman who has struggled with her weight her whole life, that is so empowering. It feels great to take time to use my body, instead wasting time worrying about what other people think when they see it.
So, if running shorts work for me, why would I bother with the skirt? Maybe I still can't get over the Italy incident, but really I just want to look cute for my husband on our anniversary. It is that simple. I understand I am going to be smelly, grimacing, and probably cursing as well, but, I must admit, when I tried on my new skirt tonight, I felt sort of feminine and cute. I thought, why not?
Well, I can come up with one really good reason why not...I'll definitely be doing some trial runs with it, but if I find it comfortable, I am going to go for it in July! Heartfelt apologies to Melinda, and all running skirt haters:)
I'll be sure to give the details after the first trial run!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Day 63 - May 9, 2010

Sylvia and I participated in our first ever Mother's Day run today. We had big plans for a full mile, but rain and hail cut the run short just a bit. We still had fun.
I'd been looking forward to this run all week. Sylvia told me she would like to go running with me on Mother's Day. I was so happy, and she explained it was because she had so much fun running over to Mamaw's house with me a few weeks ago. Nothing pleases me more than to hear her say she enjoys running with me. I'm so happy she wanted to participate in the kid's marathon this year.
I'm looking forward to next year, when hopefully Owen will be ready to join us!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Day 61 - May 7, 2010
5 easy miles
Despite a decent amount of swelling and bruising, I was able to run an easy five miles today with minimal soreness. My knee is still pretty sore just walking around, but I'm hoping that is just from the treatment. I plan to get in another 7-8 miles tomorrow, so that I at least complete all of the miles on the schedule for this week. I don't plan on running any speed or tempos this week, or next week, but I really hope to keep up with the distance. I'm not looking forward to my next Graston appointment on Monday, but hopefully I won't have to do another one after that!
Despite a decent amount of swelling and bruising, I was able to run an easy five miles today with minimal soreness. My knee is still pretty sore just walking around, but I'm hoping that is just from the treatment. I plan to get in another 7-8 miles tomorrow, so that I at least complete all of the miles on the schedule for this week. I don't plan on running any speed or tempos this week, or next week, but I really hope to keep up with the distance. I'm not looking forward to my next Graston appointment on Monday, but hopefully I won't have to do another one after that!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Graston Technique aka "The Torture"
When my IT Band started to bother me at the end of the run yesterday, I was pretty worried. It often gets stiff or sore, but since I received the Graston treatment last June, it has not really been painful. During the last mile yesterday, I felt a stabbing pain in the side of my knee. Not a good thing. If I focused on my form, engaging my core, I could get rid of most of the pain, but after we got home, it did not go away. Before bed, I was hobbling around depressed. My main worry was, "I can't let down my running partner!"
I'm happy I woke up with it feeling much better, but the pain did shake my confidence a bit. If it hurts at mile 13, what will it do at mile 16 next week, and what about mile 25 in July? With that in mind, I decided to go back to the torture chamber. If you are not familiar with the Graston Technique, it is where they rub an instrument (this one looks a bit like a butter knife) over a certain spot (my outer knee) very hard and quick. It is excruciating. Honestly, I think the 30 seconds in that chair was much more painful than the last few miles of the run yesterday, even suffering with exhaustion and everything else.
In any case, I'm going to be optimistic and expect the same results as I saw last summer. Most people receive the treatment 6-8 times before they feel results, but I was essentially cured after one treatment. That quick "cure" (I should call it relief, not cure) came after trying EVERYTHING. I tried it all...from doctors to yoga, new shoes to ice baths, the foam roller to physical therapists. It felt like a miracle when something finally worked.
I suppose I don't mind a few more sessions of torture, if it means I can cross that finish line with Pete!
***One side note...if you are curious about the treatment for an injury of your own, there is some great information at www.grastontechnique.com. I was quite pleased to see it say swelling and bruising are a good thing, as my leg is already showing quite a bit of that!
I'm happy I woke up with it feeling much better, but the pain did shake my confidence a bit. If it hurts at mile 13, what will it do at mile 16 next week, and what about mile 25 in July? With that in mind, I decided to go back to the torture chamber. If you are not familiar with the Graston Technique, it is where they rub an instrument (this one looks a bit like a butter knife) over a certain spot (my outer knee) very hard and quick. It is excruciating. Honestly, I think the 30 seconds in that chair was much more painful than the last few miles of the run yesterday, even suffering with exhaustion and everything else.
In any case, I'm going to be optimistic and expect the same results as I saw last summer. Most people receive the treatment 6-8 times before they feel results, but I was essentially cured after one treatment. That quick "cure" (I should call it relief, not cure) came after trying EVERYTHING. I tried it all...from doctors to yoga, new shoes to ice baths, the foam roller to physical therapists. It felt like a miracle when something finally worked.
I suppose I don't mind a few more sessions of torture, if it means I can cross that finish line with Pete!
***One side note...if you are curious about the treatment for an injury of your own, there is some great information at www.grastontechnique.com. I was quite pleased to see it say swelling and bruising are a good thing, as my leg is already showing quite a bit of that!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Day 59 - May 5, 2010
14 miles 14 hours
It certainly felt like 14 hours anyway. This was the first run that made me doubt my decision to run this marathon. I may soon be changing the title of this blog to 13.1 Miles to Celebrate 10 Years. All joking aside, it really was a tough run. I developed some pain that will hopefully be fine after a day of rest. I may be making a few trips to see Dr. Wilhelm and his torture chamber soon. If my knee problems show up, I can only hope the Graston Technique will have the same magical effect it did last year.
On a more positive note, this was Pete's longest run - EVER! Good job, Pete. I usually tend to have more endurance, but not today.
It certainly felt like 14 hours anyway. This was the first run that made me doubt my decision to run this marathon. I may soon be changing the title of this blog to 13.1 Miles to Celebrate 10 Years. All joking aside, it really was a tough run. I developed some pain that will hopefully be fine after a day of rest. I may be making a few trips to see Dr. Wilhelm and his torture chamber soon. If my knee problems show up, I can only hope the Graston Technique will have the same magical effect it did last year.
On a more positive note, this was Pete's longest run - EVER! Good job, Pete. I usually tend to have more endurance, but not today.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Day 58 - May 4, 2010
3 easy miles (plus strength training)
It feels good to be back in the routine. Next up...a fourteen miler. It will be Pete's longest run - ever!
It feels good to be back in the routine. Next up...a fourteen miler. It will be Pete's longest run - ever!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Day 57 May 3, 2010
3 easy miles
Four days is certainly the longest I have gone without running in a long time, and without exercising, in years. After a couple of days, I was desperate for a run, but by today I felt never running again might be just fine (the 42 glasses of wine at Chico last night might have added to that feeling).
Four days is certainly the longest I have gone without running in a long time, and without exercising, in years. After a couple of days, I was desperate for a run, but by today I felt never running again might be just fine (the 42 glasses of wine at Chico last night might have added to that feeling).
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