Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 4 - March 11, 2010

2 miles 22:00 minutes (plus strength training)

Frying Pan, a song that showed up on my alphabetical list today, was the only significant thing that happened on today's run (other than my slower pace due to a possible cold coming and a bad night of sleep). I'd completely forgotten all about Evan Dando's Frying Pan from the Sweet Relief album. I hadn't heard it in years, and I don't even remember putting it into my MP3 player. I guess finding songs like that again, is part of the beauty of listening to every single song. I swear, when you put it on random, the same 20 songs come up again and again. Anyway, it is one of my all time favorites, in part because it just reminds me so much of our time in the Czech Republic. It seems just bizarre now, but when we went over there to teach for a year, we didn't bring any music with us. This was long before itunes, back in 1999. Once we arrived, we realized we had nothing to listen to, except German MTV. I think we purchased only one cassette the entire year we lived in Europe (although, we did borrow quite a few). It was the Sweet Relief album. It was a good one, and we ended up knowing every song quite well. My favorite was Frying Pan. Pete learned to play and sing it, and even now when I hear the original, it doesn't sound as good as his version. Anyway, it will certainly have to be included in the marathon play list!

1 comment:

  1. SUCH a clever way to celebrate wedding anniversary! Both Dim and her husband and me and mine are celebrating 10-year anniversary this year. Dimity and Grant ran half-marathon on Valentine's Day, but Jack and I are a loooong way from running a marathon together!
