Monday, March 15, 2010

Vampire Weekend

Okay, out running...a lot of crazy stuff goes through your mind, right? I'm constantly making plans out there, coming up with vacation ideas, plotting cross country ski dates with my mom friends, thinking of new ways to try to get my non-running friends running, not to mention a constant stream of Facebook updates, and now, topics for this blog....A lot of times, what seems like a perfectly simple and wonderful idea out there is really not such a good one when I get home and back to reality. And sometimes the ideas really are perfect.

So, the first time I listened to the Vampire Weekend Contra album, I decided to run the marathon with Pete. The second time I listened to Contra, (after dancing at stoplights...honestly) I came home with another big idea. Vampire Weekend was playing in Missoula, and I felt it necessary we see them. I woke Pete up a little early and made him call his co-worker, while still in a state of partial sleep, to try to get the time off work. Luckily, he got a hold of him right away, and he agreed - (hero!). We purchased tickets just hours before they sold out. Tomorrow night is the concert, and I have very high hopes for the evening and the show. We shall see which of these two impulsive running decisions was the best one...

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